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Leather is a natural material. When you look after and maintain your HVRMNNSN tote, it will mature in a beautiful way and develop its unique patina -- made by you. Generally we can say that light coloured leather exposed to direct sunlight will over time get darker. Warm, dry air can dry out the leather unless you add moisture using the right care products. Some chemicals, fluids and cleaning products can harm the surface and colour of the leather.
We recommend Leathermasters Protection Cream to care for the leather in your HVRMNNSN tote. Vegetable leather oils will also work, but will make the leather instantly darker in colour.If the leather in your HVRMNNSN gets spots or has dried out after being wet, you can follow the simple steps below:
1. Remember: The products you use can change the colour and patina of your bag. If you are in doubt, first try the product somewhere less visible, like on the bottom of the bag.Remove any dirt or spots with a clean and dry sponge or cloth before you use any other product.
2. There are different types of cleaners: Surfectants that clean the surface of the leather and leather soaps that deep clean. Choose a product fitted to treat your spot, but remember that it can effect the colour and patina of the leather. Try an area less visible first, like on the bottom of the bag.
3. After cleaning the leather is it important to add protection and moisture to the leather. The wax protects the leather in the same way as wax protects the surface of a car. Use a product that contains natural wax. Remember that the wax can affect the colour and patina of the leather. Try an area less visible first, like on the bottom of the bag.
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